
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Indiana Banana - The Pawpaw

The pawpaw is a small understory tree usually found in moist fertile flood plain areas.

In the Spring, it has charming bell-like flowers that hang below the stem.

The flowers are a deep maroon color.

It has large tropical looking leaves.

And produces egg shaped light green fruit.
It isn't a heavy producer of fruit, with only a few pawpaws on each small tree,
usually in clusters of up to three fruits.

The fruit, which is edible, is thin skinned with a yellow custard-like pulp.
It has two rows of black seeds inside about the size of almonds.
It is very sweet, tasting like a very ripe banana.

The pawpaw also adds to the fall landscape with its bright color color. 

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Carole Barkett said...

When I was a child we used to sing "Picking up pawpaws put them in your pocket" No one in all these years was ever able to tell me what they were and then I forgot about them. It's great to have such an old mystery solved :O)

Rick Vanderwielen said...

do we have to eat these things?

jeanlivingsimple said...

I have never grown one but know they will survive our hot summers.
Thanks for the information and photos!

Karen said...

I love pawpaws!